Submitted by Lee Dobson, Area Director, NC Government Affairs (GAO)
Last week, I attended the Medical Care Advisory Council (MCAC) meeting where Jay Ludlam the new NC Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Assistant Secretary for Medicaid Transformation presented the department’s program design for taking Medicaid into a managed care environment. Having been on the job for less than three weeks, Ludlam said, “649 days until the Medicaid Managed Care go live date!” While many steps need to occur before “go live”, including formal approval by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the department is aggressively working towards that goal. I spoke with Mr. Ludlam after the meeting, not only to introduce BAYADA but also to express our concerns with the fast pace, and lack of details for how long-term services and supports will be incorporated into reform. As you may recall, BAYADA formed a review team and has already submitted comments to the program design. The Government Affairs Office (GAO) will continue to participate in the discussion as the state formulates its plan. Click to read Jay Ludlam’s complete bio.