Submitted by Shannon Gahs, Associate Director, DE Government Affairs (GAO)
Following compelling testimony by clients Nancy and Christopher Lemus, Delaware Association for Home and Community-based Care (DAHCC) President Bob Bird, Delaware Pediatrics (DP) Associate Director Mandy Brady, and myself, the House Health & Human Development Committee passed a bill that would set a minimum reimbursement rate paid by Medicaid managed care organizations (MCOs) to home health care providers for skilled nursing services.
Representatives asked probing questions, sparking true debate over the measure. The vote was 10-0 with 4 additional members absent. The bill must still pass the full House, the Senate Health, Children & Social Services Committee, and the full Senate. The legislature closes on June 30. If this bill passes, MCOs would not be able to pay any less than the Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) pays for the same care, giving DHSS the ability to ensure access to needed services.