Submitted by Tara Montague, Manager, Client and Family Advocacy, NJ (GAO)
District 6 Assemblywoman Pamela Lampitt got quite an education when she visited with 14 year old Mt. Laurel Pediatrics (MLP) client Juan M and his mother, Carmen. The Assemblywoman stopped by the house at the same time as nurse Danielle Blackwas administering Juan’s many respiratory treatments. MLP Clinical Manager Crystal Lee explained to Assemblywoman Lampitt the purpose behind each piece of equipment and treatment and how important the routine is to maintaining Juan’s health. The client’s mother Carmen said she is a single-parent and without having nursing in place she would not be able to keep her son at home with her. Carmen, Crystal, and Client Services Manager Michelle Moran took turns sharing the difficulties of staffing such a high-tech case and how low reimbursement rates negatively affect clients. Carmen shared with the Assemblywoman that she is currently looking for a part-time position but is having difficulty due to the fact that her schedule needs to remain flexible to accommodate the nursing schedule and Juan’s various medical needs. The visit was a great success in enlightening Assemblywoman Lampitt on the needs of some of her most vulnerable constituents.