Last year was Rhode Island’s first year with a full-time Government Affairs Office (GAO) program—And what a year it was. Together with our Rhode Island office staff, field staff, clients, and families, we were able to band our voices together in advocacy to achieve monumental increases on behalf of our staff and clients.
As a result of our efforts, the State increased Medicaid rates for certified nursing assitants (CNAs), and to the State’s private duty nursing (PDN) program. These increases allow BAYADA to raise field workers’ wages and better compete for a larger segment of the workforce. As a result, BAYADA is in a better position to recruit and retain the staff necessary to keep up with demand, and Rhode Islanders are poised to see increased access to reliable, consistent care.
Our work is far from done. BAYADA’s GAO, along with the continued advocacy of so many of you, is focusing on four key issues at this time:
Priority #1: Continued COLa Adjustments

The 2018 increases also included a first-in-the-nation Cost of Living adjustment (COLa), which will provide additional increases to Medicaid rates every year based on the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Cost of Medical Services annual adjustment. Our first majority priority for 2019 is to ensure that the state keeps its commitment to COLa and includes it in the state budget each year. If passed, this year’s COLa will add an additional 1.9% to current rates to ensure they remain consistent with actual, determined cost of living increases. In March, GAO director Ashley Sadlier testified in support of this important adjustment in front of the House and Senate Finance Committees alongside other supporters. At this time, we see no opposition and continue to monitor COLa through the state’s budget process.
Priority #2: High Acuity Skilled Nursing Rate Modifier

One major issue that Rhode Island’s skilled nursing offices often face is recruiting the specialty-trained nurses necessary for more complex, high acuity clients. Luckily, home care supporters in the House agree. Recently, representatives Patricia Serpa and Mia Ackerman introduced House Bill 5621, which calls for a 10% increase to Medicaid reimbursement rates for nursing services provided to clients with tracheostomies and/or ventilators. The bill has taken the next step in the legislative process by being referred to the House Finance Committee. Currently, GAO is awaiting a date for the bill to be heard. If you, a loved one, or your staff or clients would benefit from such a bill, please reach out to [email protected]! We hope to have a strong showing of support at the state house when the bill moves forward and we would love your help.
Priority #3: Helping Pediatric Clients Transition to Adult Clients

BAYADA has collaborated with the Rhode Island Partnership for Home Care (RIPHC) to advocate for additional resources for pediatric clients currently receiving home nursing services who are transitioning to adult services. Currently, clients that are transitioning face many challenges navigating the system, especially when determining what programs and services they are eligible for. BAYADA and the Partnership have met with the Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS), the Department of Behavioral Healthcare, and Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals (BHDDH) and Managed Medicaid, to create plans on how to streamline the process for this population and expand eligibility options for families. To date, several BAYADA clients have transitioned to a more appropriate program for the level of care that they require. GAO looks forward to continuing to help our partners at the State to develop plans to ensure parents, caregivers, caseworkers, schools, and agencies are equipped with the resources necessary to assist families in navigating the challenges of transitioning from pediatric to adult home care services.
Priority #4: Continued relationship-building

While 2018 brought success to Rhode Island’s home care front, GAO continues to build relationships to ensure that legislators and regulators understand the importance of home care to so many of Rhode Island’s families, and support policies that ensure its accesibility. Recently, alongside the Partnership, GAO director Ashley Sadlier met with Rep. Joseph McNamara, the Chairman of the Rhode Island House of Representatives Committee on Health, Education and Welfare. Rep. McNamara is in a key role to influence legislation, and BAYADA looks forward to continuing to be a valuable partner to Chairman McNamara—and many other key legislators and regulators—on issues such as employee training and supervision, access to care, and challenges that providers, employees, and families see within the home care industry.