Submitted by Laura Ness, Director, Government Affairs (GAO)
On January 10, BAYADA hosted a lobby day in Boston with members of the Continuous Skilled Nursing (CSN) provider coalition, the Home Care Alliance of Massachusetts, and the Pediatric Home Nursing Care Campaign (a coalition of parents and grandparents). During the lobby day, we introduced a Patient Bill of Rights that will allow for adequate reimbursement rates and other protections for those receiving services under the CSN program. Since then, BAYADA testified along with other providers and parents about the need to increase the rate. We have also obtained over 50 sponsors to our bill, and sent over 400 emails to legislators about the bill. Most recently, one of the parents was featured on the CBS local affiliate WBZ Boston. The video could not have made our point more clear. See the full video here. The campaign was also featured in the Boston Globe the day after our lobby day. Click here to read more.